Deliver me from my enemies, O my God; From those rising up against me may you protect me.
(Psalm 59: 1)
Ever onward, O my people,
Let the Kingdom tidings go.
Tremble not before our foe.
Let all lovers of truth know
That my reigning Son, Christ Jesus,
To the earth has cast the foe,
Soon to bind the Devil, Satan,
Letting all his victims go.
Fear them not, O my beloved,
Though their boasting threats may fly.
I will keep my faithful servant
As the apple of my eye.
Even though your foes are many,
Though they threaten and revile,
Though they flatter and they smile,
To mislead and to beguile.
Fear them not, my faithful warriors,
Nor their persecution’s heat,
For I will preserve the faithful
Till the vict’ry is complete.
Fear them not, O my beloved,
Though their boasting threats may fly.
I will keep my faithful servant
As the apple of my eye.
Never fear you are forgotten;
I am still your strength and shield.
Though you die upon the field,
Even death to me will yield.
Fear them not who kill the body
But cannot destroy the soul.
To the end may you be faithful;
I will bring you to your goal!
Fear them not, O my beloved,
Though their boasting threats may fly.
I will keep my faithful servant
As the apple of my eye.
Also alvailable the songbook.

¡No los temas! (Cántico 33)
Líbrame de mis enemigos, oh Dios mío;¡Adelante, mis guerreros!,
contra los que se levantan contra mí quieras protegerme
(Salmo 59: 1)
hora es de combatir;
con arrojo hay que decir
que mi Reino ya está aquí.
Ya mi Hijo ha lanzado
a la Tierra a Satanás
y muy pronto por mil años
al abismo lo echará.
No te asustes, pueblo mío,
nadie te podrá vencer,
pues la niña de mis ojos
eres tú, mi siervo fiel.
Aunque usen amenazas
para hacerte tropezar
o te quieran engañar
con su dulce palabrear,
no permitas que te entrampen
o te hagan vacilar;
con mi espíritu y mi fuerza
la victoria lograrás.
No te asustes, pueblo mío,
nadie te podrá vencer,
pues la niña de mis ojos
eres tú, mi siervo fiel.
Nunca temas que te olvide,
en tu ayuda yo saldré;
aun si mueres por tu fe,
yo te resucitaré.
Quienes matan solo el cuerpo
no merecen tu temor;
sigue fiel, no desfallezcas,
yo seré tu protector.
No te asustes, pueblo mío,
nadie te podrá vencer,
pues la niña de mis ojos
eres tú, mi siervo fiel.
(Véanse también Deu. 32:10; Neh. 4:14; Sal. 59:1; 83:2, 3.)